Career Life Institute - Al Gore Handwriting Analysis

Comments about Albert Gore's Analysis

From Katie's notes to Paul Bedard (U.S. News & World Report):

Well, here's my evaluation of the sample of Al Gore's handwriting. The sample I have for him is much smaller than the one you provided for Bush, so I can't do as extensive an analysis, but there's plenty for a summary. Hope it's helpful and interesting.

Both candidates seem solid in terms of personality - not a lot of warning signs or major flaws to be worried about. Of course, depending on circumstances, traits can have different results. For instance, someone who is "stubborn" can be seen as inflexible or as standing up for her beliefs; someone who is "compliant" can be seen as wishy-washy or as flexible and easy going. Depending on the setting, the circumstances, and the other traits evident in the handwriting sample, any individual trait may be more or less desireable.

Thanks again for the opportunity, it's been fun, and useful for me, too.


Katie Darden

Go to Gore's sample


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