What IS Marketing?

In a current survey of businesses, marketing is one of the main concerns. It is also one of the most confusing. Some think marketing is advertising or direct mail; others consider it sales or public relations. The truth is, marketing is all of these.

A simple definition of marketing is "how you present your business to your customers that makes you special or unique to them." The hard part is finding out exactly who your customers are, your customers' profile, and what part of your "presentation" is the most effective in motivating them to buy your product or service. This is an area you should spend a lot of time studying. Get professional help if you need statistics you can't find at the library or through surveys. From this you can begin to plan your marketing strategy.

The critical component of your marketing should be to develop a long-term customer/client mail list; research shows it is 85 percent less costly to keep an old customer than to get a new one. In this day of large discount stores, it is hard to compete through price.

Word-of-mouth is the most powerful marketing tool, but one you cannot control, unless you give poor service or have a dissatisfied customer. Service is the best marketing tool to separate you from the big discount stores or competitors–service that includes product knowledge and customer education. Offering this service will get you great word-of-mouth marketing.

Some of the simple parts of marketing can be the most important and the least expensive. Tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your business very clean at all times, both inside and outside;
  • Paint the walls pleasing and appropriate colors;
  • Make sure your business sign represents you well;
  • Retail windows should catch the eye and reflect your customers' tastes;
  • Keep track of your customers in a database and stay in touch with them through direct mail and phone calls.

©1995 Renee Chappelle, Marketing Consultant, (707)442-1397