Build A Bigger Customer Base With Newsletters

A business newsletter sent to current and prospective clients is the cat's meow. And I'm not saying that just because I am a pet sitter. A well-done publication can build awareness, expand a customer base, encourage repeat business, and help position your company.

Build awareness of your knowledge in your industry by featuring trade news and information about your services. You become the customer's ally by passing along valuable information in your area of expertise. Include an editorial column in each issue where you can share your business news or your company philosophy. About three-fourths of the articles should be informational or educational and the remaining one-fourth can be used to advertise your services, etc.

Send your newsletter to prospective clients to expand your customer base. According to Guerilla Marketing guru Jay Conrad Levinson, follow-up is the single most important and least used marketing strategy. If someone has inquired about your services once, you need to renew contact again within 3-6 weeks. Even if they don't use your services, perhaps they will pass your written material along to a neighbor or friend. Everyone knows the best advertising is word-of-mouth.

Publishing your newsletter on a regular basis will build a solid bridge of repeat business to your customers. They know and trust you because you keep in touch with them. A general rule of thumb for any newsletter is to use the same layout and logo in every issue to breed familiarity. Additionally, keep to a preset publication date: yearly, quarterly, monthly…

An unexpected benefit of putting out a newsletter is that it will help position your company in the community. When you put your thoughts and policies into words and articles for a publication it gives you a better focus on your business. It forces you to define your marketing goals and crystallizes your message to your customers.

In "The Best Newsletters in America," Anne Murphy states that there are 100 million newsletters published in North America every year. Most newsletters never get read. They are boring, self-congratulatory or hard to read. Write articles that are short so that the readers don't tire quickly. Keep lots of white space around columns and use simple copyright-free graphics. Be sure to cite sources or obtain permission from the author to avoid plagiarism.

Costs of producing a newsletter can be offset by selling advertising space. For large quantities, bulk mailing permits lower stamp costs. On the other hand, you don't have to mail them at all. Why not have them as handouts on your checkout counter or hand deliver them to your regular customers. You don't really need a computer, either. Amazing things can be done with scotch tape, white-out and a typewriter.

So get busy and send out a newsletter today, your customers will think you are the cat's pajamas !

© 1999 Lani Stites, Humcat Lady Petsitting Services

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