Partner with a Coach for Results

Check out this excellent post about the benefits of hiring a coach by Donna Toothaker.

Lisa, a VA with three years in the business and a team of two, was stuck.   When she left her corporate management job to work from home, she was excited and energized by the prospect of creating her own business, lifestyle, and an income substantial enough to enjoy some financial freedom.

Now, a few years in, the momentum that gave her a great start, has waned.  Lisa, a bit of a micro-manager, finds herself too busy overseeing her team and handling the day-to-day running of the business to find the time she needs to effectively market and grow her business.  She is also feeling the isolation that often sets in after going solo, and misses having colleagues with whom she could brainstorm and receive feedback.  Unable to move forward alone, Lisa – like many thousands of other entrepreneurs, decided to seek help from a coach.

Does this sound like you?   Most of us, at some turning point in our business, will seek guidance from a professional to give us the boost, and the tools we need to reach or exceed our goals.   A coach will:

Identify goals and help you create a plan to get there. When you first started your business, you had goals, and a business plan.   Somewhere along the way, you may have veered off the path.  A coach will help you regroup, revise your goals and/or create new ones, and create a step-by-step plan to get you there.

Hold you accountable. Are you going to follow through with those steps?  Many people can get through the planning steps effectively, but drop the ball when it’s time to execute, or do not execute effectively.  Having a coach ensures that you have somebody else to report to on a regular basis — somebody who will push you so you are less inclined to procrastinate or let things go, and hold yourself to a higher standard.

Help remove roadblocks, so you can get out of your own way. The real reason we drop the ball or do not follow through effectively is because of fear – primarily fear of the unknown, which leads to doubt. This inner resistance to your positive momentum– the “what ifs” – can kill your dream instantly if not held in check.  A coach will help you work through the “what ifs,” by removing some of the unknown – again through detailed planning, visualization and interactive exercises to prepare you for that sales pitch, speech, teleconference, interview, or product launch.

Provide honest feedback. As a solo-preneur, how do you know if you are hitting the mark?  You may receive compliments or criticism from clients, but what about feedback from your team?  Do they feel comfortable or secure enough to speak up about something that doesn’t seem to be working?  A coach will give you an honest, productive opinion and suggestions for improvement in areas where you may never have thought you needed it.

Improve performance as a leader. Just because you own and run a business doesn’t mean you are born to lead.  Many entrepreneurs excel at their craft, but fall short when it comes time to make the “grown up decisions,” or manage a team.  A coach can help you step into the role of CEO, defeat the limiting beliefs and practices that have kept you on the front lines, and learn to delegate and give authority to those under you so you, and your team, can grow.

Defeat isolation. Although “going it alone” was an exhilarating and exciting prospect when you started out, you now realize that there are times when you miss having colleagues (or even that one great boss!) around to help you develop ideas, solve problems, offer a shoulder, or celebrate your successes with you.  Even though you might have a team in place, a solo-preneur working virtually, from home, needs to know there is someone who has “been there,” and fully understands the many challenges of being your own boss, standing in her corner.

If you are stuck, consider a coach.  It is an investment in yourself, and in your business, that will boost your confidence, efficacy, organization and creativity so you and your company can reach, and in many cases, exceed, your goals.

Donna Toothaker is CEO, founder and coach of Step It Up VA Coaching. These highly sought-after VA coaching programs have been created for established, successful VAs who wish to create the 6-figure business of their dreams. Visit to receive the free report, Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid in Creating a 6-Figure VA Business.

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