Five Words for a Full and Prosperous Life

There are five simple words we need to use to have a prosperous life:

  1. YES.
    Simply say "yes" to your dreams and allow yourselves to actively pursue your dreams.
  2. NO.
    Learn to say "no" when you need to say no. Success is being able to set limits about what you don't want in your lives.
  3. OUCH.
    Allow yourself to feel pain and recognize what is causing your pain. Know that pain is a healthy warning system for you to take some action.
  4. NEXT.
    Fully experience your challenges and accomplishments and have completion with what you start. Know when it is time to move on to your next…
  5. WOW!
    Be fully in the present and really experience life—events and people in your lives, achieving goals and having things, enjoying simple pleasures such as good tastes, touches, sights, sounds, smells, etc. Be fully aware of all your blessings! Know that all of life is an experiment, so enjoy the process!

© 1994 Jean Fowler