People, Power & Participation – Key Ingredients to Successful Networking

There are three key ingredients for success in any networking opportunity: People, Power and Participation. You know, I just can't help it – I get so excited when a new networking opportunity presents itself!! It's a natural reaction for me – a delightful anticipation seems to overcome me, and inevitably it sweeps me forward to even greater results!

Have you ever noticed how much fun it is when you have a new group of people to connect with?? Especially people who are doing the same things you are? People who are taking the same kinds of risks and being successful in the same ways you envision for your own success? This fall several hundred Directors from National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) member networks all over the U.S.A. will gather for a weekend in Carlsbad, California. They will come together to support each other and share ideas on how to build strong, effective network organizations that empower women to be more successful in the work force. Do you think we'll find new friends as we network at this conference? You bet!! These are my favorite kind of people: strong, dedicated, competent women in business who believe in the power of networking!

And Power is a strong component in any networking situation. Gathering new contacts and creating new referral systems increases the number of people in your network. There is power in numbers, and you'll get your referrals to "critical mass" much sooner when you let your network work for you. When you effectively use your network, you have the opportunity to reach many more people than you could ever realize on your own. Because of the way a networking "web" naturally interconnects, it seems to go on and on, and even when you aren't actively working it, connections are still being made.

Participation is another very important ingredient in every networking opportunity. You increase your impact as well as the potential for new contacts when you actively participate. Whether you volunteer at the Registration Table, provide a presentation for one of the workshops, or have the honor of being a Keynote Speaker, your participation contributes to the collective success of the networking event and you usually get back ten-fold what you put forth.

If you are shy, placing yourself in a position where you are "forced" to interact with others will broaden the number of contacts you might otherwise make. Plus, as a speaker or greeter, there's an automatic perception that what you have to offer is of value (which of course it is!!), and others will naturally come to you to get the information they need. Remember, you always get what you expect, so participate fully with the shared expectation of providing value to others and finding value for yourself!!!

At the upcoming annual NAFE retreat in October 1999, Katie and I will present a workshop on "Marketing Your Network . . . Getting All the P/R You Want." We look forward to this conference as a real treat and a great opportunity to share what has worked so well in Humboldt County. And we'll be there representing all the of you who so wonderfully support women in all phases of business – whether through the activities of the Women Entrepreneurs Institute or through Business Connections. You can count on us to be your ambassadors from the NorthCoast, sharing ideas and bringing back tips to make you even more successful!!

(c) 1999 Gabrielle Parkinson

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