Network Trends

In a recent NAFE survey they found some interesting trends. Women who first came to join the organization were often just starting out in business or in their careers, and joined because they wanted help in getting started, so they were seeking the knowledge of those who had already succeeded.

After a few years, many of them "dropped out" of membership, actively pursuing their professions, building their businesses, and raising their families. Then, once the growth, development and acquisition phases were over, many of them came back into membership again as mature, successful business and career women. The focus this time was in wanting to give back to the younger ones who were just starting out. Now that's networking come full circle.

Did you notice, though, that the new and the experienced are taken care of, but the women in the middle – the ones actually making it all happen – are the ones left out? During a recent Roundtable session, one of our participants expressed how difficult it can be to remain motivated and fresh as you grow beyond the start-up issues into a mature business. This is where Mastermind Groups, Advisory Boards, Trade Organizations and Creative Alliances can make a huge difference. Especially when the members have a similar maturity level (in terms of their business) and diverse backgrounds.

Genius ideas come from "mixed metaphor" thinking and cross-platform brainstorming. Considering how someone in a different business or field might handle a situation will give you new ideas for your own business. As you begin to build your business, be on the lookout for those formal and informal opportunities to begin to create your own supportive team of "expert" thinkers.

_________Editor's Note________________
You can join our Women Entrepreneurs Roundtable for the price of a long distance phone call. Twice each month women from the US and Canada gather for an hour on the telephone to discuss issues relevant to women in business.
©2000 Katie Darden, Career Life Institute

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