Tips for Staying Healthy

Staying healthy is an essential factor for having a successful business. According to Dr. Gena Pennington, physician for the Women's Health Services through the Humboldt County Health Department, "Health is more than just physical; one must consider Body, Mind and Spirit, in staying healthy," As we put together our personalized health plan, Dr. Pennington suggests we think about the following areas including hair removal Toronto.

Your Body

  1. Consciously love your body and make a commitment to take care of it. Get your annual physical exams—PAP smear testing, pelvic and breast exams for women and prostate testing for men. Have bone density testing done if you are premenopausal and beyond, unless you need it earlier because there are serious risk factors.

  2. Don't obsess about your weight—if you are a little underweight or overweight, and you feel fine and your blood pressure is good, you probably are fine. Take good care of your teeth—brushing, flossing, and getting regular checkups.

  3. Exercise on a frequent, regular basis. Besides improving your circulation and mental heath, it can extend your life and improve your quality of life. Consider swimming, Tai Chi, Yoga, and/or Chi Gung as additional ways to increase body movement, to improve body tone, flexibility and strength, and to enhance your overall health.

  4. Look at the food you are ingesting. Increase your input of green leafy vegetables, whole grains, pure water, herbal or grean tea, tofu, beans, and limit your intake of protein, coffee, soft drinks, and alcoholic drinks. Remembering to chew your food completely for absorption, and/or take enzymes, if needed, can help tremendously.

  5. Take vitamins and mineral supplements regularly, especially as you get older. Be sure you are getting all the calcium your body needs (400-1000 mg per day) and taking the best-absorbed calcium supplements.

Your Mind

Maintaining a positive attitude can make all the difference in how good you feel. Look at what you can do before taking an "anti-depressant." A good book to review is Beyond Prozac by Dr. Michael Norden. If you are depressed or overly anxious, consider getting some help. In addition to seeing a therapist, look into support groups and community organizations offering help—the Catholic Charity, Attitudinal Healing groups, Women's Resource Centers, Empowerment Retreats through WEI and many others.

Know that our minds need stimulation to remain healthy. Do something new and different for yourself. Take a class or read a new book that stretches your mind. Consciously do something different to stay young and flexible—go some place new, meet new friends, take up a new hobby or sport, etc. When your mind is thrilled, your body feels good and your spirits soars; this causes some great chemicals to circulate in your bloodstream and stimulate your immune system.

Take time to be with friends and loved ones, and fully enjoy happy, joyful moments.

Your Spirit

What are you doing for your soul? How are you feeding your spirit? Whether it is organized religion or your own personal spiritual practice, take time to be in touch with your spiritual self. Create time to get together with good friends, develop a personalized meditation discipline, allow yourself time to garden and "dig in the dirt," as well as spending quality time in beautiful natural settings.

"Backpacking can be as spiritual as going to church," for Dr. Pennington, Just acknowledging we have a spiritual practices into our lives can help us stay healthy and whole.

If you don't feel good, Dr Pennington suggests you "go on a health hunt." First consult with your physician or health care practitioner, and then consider alternative healing approaches as well as traditional medicine. Do some research on your own on this homeopathic hcg through the library, seek out some recommended health books, check out natural food places, and consult with alternative health practitioners specializing in acupuncture, massage, herbalist, homeopathy, etc.

© 1997 Career Life Institute

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