Restoring Body Chemistry To Homeostasis by Natural Means

High Cholesterol? Low Calcium?

Restoring Body Chemistry To Homeostasis by Natural Means

When a "chem panel" blood test is performed, the report shows several body chemistry results. It is important that all of these chemicals are not only within the normal clinical range but are balanced with each other. In my practice, the goal is to have results in a homeostatic range with all of the chemistries working together, allowing optimal health rather than only keeping it inside the clinical range. When results start to be outside the latter, we start to have concerns with real pathology.

Many people don't realize that body chemistry can be successfully restored to healthy optimal values with natural, safe nutritional supplements. These supplements make available to the body the chemicals it needs to thrive. This is when we feel good with enough energy and brightness to fully enjoy life. These chemical changes can also be demonstrated by follow-up blood test.

An example of this is low calcium stores. Every cell in the body needs calcium to function. If the store becomes low, changes occur that start pulling calcium from the bones. So, vital functions can be maintained but bone density will be decreased eventually leading to osteoporosis. When the calcium blood stores are increased to an optimal range by taking the individualized correct forms and amounts of calcium along with other needed nutrients, the blood chemistry is balanced and the bone density is restored.

Cholesterol levels, high triglycerides, high or low sugar, and other dangerous chemical imbalances can be restored to homeostatic ranges just as effectively and safely by nutritional supplements.

© 1997 Dr. Evonne Phillips
For more information, you can contact Evonne Phillips, a practicing chiropractic doctor in Arcata, at (707)822-8356

Deeper Well-being with Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the practice of healing one's exterior environment to bring about a major shift, and healing, of one's interior environment. So profound is this ancient art at accomplishing this, that most Chinese acupuncturists refer their patients to a Feng Shui practitioner who will follow up on their treatments by making corresponding adjustments in the patient's home.

Our homes and businesses hold our entire psyche, for good or ill, in a complex pattern of spatial, visual and sensual dynamics. The secrets of Feng Shui are now flooding into our western world, revealing the practical ways with which we can heal ourselves through changes we are willing to make in our daily living spaces.

Feng Shui wisdom instructs us to unclog the home of all of the stagnant clutter and excess objects which drag our energy down and stop the "Ch'i", or vital life energies, from flowing smoothly. If done well, this can have the same healing effect as a giant colonic, removing years of toxic psychological residue from our lives. The next step is to switch to living surrounded only by what we love, with a healing effect on us that is similar to the effect of eating healthier, more nourishing foods.

Feng Shui's remedies for structural no no's, such as slanted ceilings, oppressive overhead beams, etc., will give an immediate chiropractic benefit to us. Finally, placing visual cues throughout our environment which affirm our new healing visions for ourselves will hold those visions in as gentle, subtle and powerful a manner as hypnotherapy does. These are just a few of the healing modalities which precision Feng Shui can complement and reinforce.

If the essence of well-being is to heal the whole body and whole mind together, we can no longer overlook the great power for healing which lies in our homes and work spaces. Let your spaces hold your highest visions of harmony and abundance, becoming spatial affirmations of your goals with Feng Shui.

Karen Carrasco is an Essential Feng Shui consultant. You can contact her at, or call (707) 825-8859, with your questions or interests.

Functional Fitness

Carmen is 70 years old and never misses her workout. She has to coordinate her transportation every week since she doesn't have a car, and she's glad to do it for the "functional fitness" level she can attain. Carmen can carry her own groceries, walk to her mailbox with ease, climb a flight of stairs without getting winded, and pick up and play with her grandchildren. Carmen takes aqua aerobics two times a week and wouldn't miss the leg lifts, the biceps curls and the water walking. What Carmen really enjoys are the great people in her class and the positive "can do" attitude of the instructor. She sees her successes as she gets stronger and enjoys the challenge of finding her potential safely. This is best air rowing machine "functional fitness," and it's worth the commitment to Carmen.

Frank has had lower back pain for years. There were many days when he could never find a comfortable position whether walking, standing or sitting down. His daughter gave him a massage gift certificate for his birthday, and he reluctantly went in for a massage; and he experienced some relief. With regular massage, yoga stretching and a few back-strengthening exercises, Frank can now manage his back pain. This is another example of "functional fitness."

What are some of the advantages of functional fitness? British researchers discovered that individuals who engage in aerobic exercise score significantly higher on creative thinking tests then non-exercisers.

A study of 172 health club members in Lasik New York, revealed that new members joined clubs to improve their health and appearance, but long-term members stayed because exercise improved their mood. A study of 1,741 University alumni showed that middle age people with healthy lifestyle habits e.g. Functional Fitness, not only live longer, but are less sick and dependent on others when they get older; by the time they were 75 years old, the healthiest participants had half the disabilities of the least fit.

Functional fitness means not smoking, watching your weight, and exercising regularly. It also means taking care of your pain and strengthening weak muscle groups to maintain your pain-free health. It means moderation, consistency, supportive friends, and qualified leaders.

Find a facility that has programs for all ages, sizes and levels of intensity. Getting started is up to you. Staying up with it is up to you. Your health is up to you. So make it functional and fun.

By Susan Jansson, HealthSPORT (Arcata, California)

Staying Healthy During Menopause

Womankind has existed thousands of years with the fact of menopause. Today, in Western society, women experience a spectrum of problems ranging from mild discomforts to total debilitation. Hot flashes, irritability, forgetfulness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, vaginitis, and feelings of inadequacy are some of the experiences women have. But not in all cultures. Why? We don't know; however, we can extrapolate some educated hypotheses.

We know that 1) during menopause ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone–in steps and erratically; and 2) then estrogen comes from adrenal and ovary androgens, converted first in fat cells, then in the liver.

I believe the disabilities associated with menopause come from our high stress lifestyles, the type of diet we have, and environmental contamination. couples therapy los angeles Some ways can help us function well overall:

  1. Respect the changes in your body and allow for grief if necessary; and recognize we have great things to offer as older, experienced women and "there is life ahead."

  2. Deal with your stress. Know that stress alters body chemistry. Find a way to take a few minutes each day or take one day a week for yourself–garden, walk, do Yoga, reading, or whatever works for you. We have to take care or ourselves along the way with all the care given to others and to our professions.
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  3. Eat well and use nutritional therapy to repair or minimize the effects of contamination. Check and use support for optimal liver and thyroid function; they are interdependent. The liver detoxes and potentiates our food and hormones.

  4. Approximately 15 to 20 percent of us need hormone replacement therapy. I believe natural phyto-hormones are more effective and safer than synthetic hormones.

There is excellent help available locally to get you through menopause. Any serious therapy should be closely monitored by a responsible health care provider.

© 1996 Dr. Evonne Phillips, D.C.