Restoring Body Chemistry To Homeostasis by Natural Means

High Cholesterol? Low Calcium?

Restoring Body Chemistry To Homeostasis by Natural Means

When a "chem panel" blood test is performed, the report shows several body chemistry results. It is important that all of these chemicals are not only within the normal clinical range but are balanced with each other. In my practice, the goal is to have results in a homeostatic range with all of the chemistries working together, allowing optimal health rather than only keeping it inside the clinical range. When results start to be outside the latter, we start to have concerns with real pathology.

Many people don't realize that body chemistry can be successfully restored to healthy optimal values with natural, safe nutritional supplements. These supplements make available to the body the chemicals it needs to thrive. This is when we feel good with enough energy and brightness to fully enjoy life. These chemical changes can also be demonstrated by follow-up blood test.

An example of this is low calcium stores. Every cell in the body needs calcium to function. If the store becomes low, changes occur that start pulling calcium from the bones. So, vital functions can be maintained but bone density will be decreased eventually leading to osteoporosis. When the calcium blood stores are increased to an optimal range by taking the individualized correct forms and amounts of calcium along with other needed nutrients, the blood chemistry is balanced and the bone density is restored.

Cholesterol levels, high triglycerides, high or low sugar, and other dangerous chemical imbalances can be restored to homeostatic ranges just as effectively and safely by nutritional supplements.

© 1997 Dr. Evonne Phillips
For more information, you can contact Evonne Phillips, a practicing chiropractic doctor in Arcata, at (707)822-8356

Staying Healthy During Menopause

Womankind has existed thousands of years with the fact of menopause. Today, in Western society, women experience a spectrum of problems ranging from mild discomforts to total debilitation. Hot flashes, irritability, forgetfulness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, vaginitis, and feelings of inadequacy are some of the experiences women have. But not in all cultures. Why? We don't know; however, we can extrapolate some educated hypotheses.

We know that 1) during menopause ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone–in steps and erratically; and 2) then estrogen comes from adrenal and ovary androgens, converted first in fat cells, then in the liver.

I believe the disabilities associated with menopause come from our high stress lifestyles, the type of diet we have, and environmental contamination. couples therapy los angeles Some ways can help us function well overall:

  1. Respect the changes in your body and allow for grief if necessary; and recognize we have great things to offer as older, experienced women and "there is life ahead."

  2. Deal with your stress. Know that stress alters body chemistry. Find a way to take a few minutes each day or take one day a week for yourself–garden, walk, do Yoga, reading, or whatever works for you. We have to take care or ourselves along the way with all the care given to others and to our professions.
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  3. Eat well and use nutritional therapy to repair or minimize the effects of contamination. Check and use support for optimal liver and thyroid function; they are interdependent. The liver detoxes and potentiates our food and hormones.

  4. Approximately 15 to 20 percent of us need hormone replacement therapy. I believe natural phyto-hormones are more effective and safer than synthetic hormones.

There is excellent help available locally to get you through menopause. Any serious therapy should be closely monitored by a responsible health care provider.

© 1996 Dr. Evonne Phillips, D.C.