Enhancing Your Business With Feng Shui

Most of us want our businesses to be "powerhouses", where there is a great deal of energy, activity and production, in perfectly manageable doses. Even in the "quieter" healing professions, a steady flow of energized clients is desired. Achieving this takes a variety of efforts on many different levels–professional training, advertising, networking, accounting, etc. Yet many of us overlook the very real impact that our actual physical work space can have on our goals.

Beyond the common sense basics, like having a clear and organized desk space, well-kept records and files, and up-to-date equipment, there are numerous spatial remedies and enhancements that Feng Shui offers for business success. Looking at your workplace through "Feng Shui eyes" will show you exactly where to apply a change to achieve more success in your business.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art which uses the balanced placement of everyday objects to harmonize both our inner and outer environments. Furniture placement, specific objects and decorations, colors, textures and room energetics are all scrutinized and balanced. For example, in a business or home office, Feng Shui will suggest you place your desk in the "power position" in the room. This position will have your chair facing the door or entry opening, with a solid wall directly behind you. Windows should be at your sides rather than directly behind you if possible, but curtains or a blocking plant can provide a solid wall feeling if needed.

When situated this way, you will feel protected at your back and ready to encounter safely anything that is coming your way. The effect this has on your energy, and even on your health, is much greater than one would expect–our primitive "fight or flight" readiness response is calmed and we gain energy.

Feng Shui works in a similar manner to address the location of your business, the approach and entryway(s), retail or service situations, the actual layout of merchandise, and all other aspects that promote sales. Feng Shui also looks at enhancing the well-being of the employees–making sure that their comfort in the workspace translates into increased productivity and generally raised energy levels for the entire business.

Whether you want to increase your client flow, change your customer base, increase your efficiency at work, bring overdue projects to completion, or any other business goal–applied Feng Shui techniques can assist you with uncanny accuracy.

Feng Shui uses the map of the "Bagua" to identify eight areas in a space which best holds specific energies such as Career, Wealth, Helpful People, Creativity, etc. Careful enhancements of these areas will allow more Ch'i, or life force, to flow through those areas of your life. For example, placing an abundantly healthy green plant in the Health area of an office will have an immediate positive effect, as will the colors red, blue and purple when placed in the Wealth area. A skilled Feng Shui practitioner will be able to discover your main business concerns and suggest physical changes to create an environmental affirmation of your specific goals.

Usually the initial simple remedies of Feng Shui prove so successful that business owners continue with the larger improvements as their profits and positive life changes increase. As both a practical science and an intuitive art, Feng Shui can transform your work environment into the place where all of your true talents can blossom and prosper.

By Karen Carrasco, Essential Feng Shui ™ Consultant

Deeper Well-being with Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the practice of healing one's exterior environment to bring about a major shift, and healing, of one's interior environment. So profound is this ancient art at accomplishing this, that most Chinese acupuncturists refer their patients to a Feng Shui practitioner who will follow up on their treatments by making corresponding adjustments in the patient's home.

Our homes and businesses hold our entire psyche, for good or ill, in a complex pattern of spatial, visual and sensual dynamics. The secrets of Feng Shui are now flooding into our western world, revealing the practical ways with which we can heal ourselves through changes we are willing to make in our daily living spaces.

Feng Shui wisdom instructs us to unclog the home of all of the stagnant clutter and excess objects which drag our energy down and stop the "Ch'i", or vital life energies, from flowing smoothly. If done well, this can have the same healing effect as a giant colonic, removing years of toxic psychological residue from our lives. The next step is to switch to living surrounded only by what we love, with a healing effect on us that is similar to the effect of eating healthier, more nourishing foods.

Feng Shui's remedies for structural no no's, such as slanted ceilings, oppressive overhead beams, etc., will give an immediate chiropractic benefit to us. Finally, placing visual cues throughout our environment which affirm our new healing visions for ourselves will hold those visions in as gentle, subtle and powerful a manner as hypnotherapy does. These are just a few of the healing modalities which precision Feng Shui can complement and reinforce.

If the essence of well-being is to heal the whole body and whole mind together, we can no longer overlook the great power for healing which lies in our homes and work spaces. Let your spaces hold your highest visions of harmony and abundance, becoming spatial affirmations of your goals with Feng Shui.

Karen Carrasco is an Essential Feng Shui consultant. You can contact her at fengshui@humboldt1.com, or call (707) 825-8859, with your questions or interests.