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Five Words for a Full and Prosperous Life

There are five simple words we need to use to have a prosperous life:

  1. YES.
    Simply say "yes" to your dreams and allow yourselves to actively pursue your dreams.
  2. NO.
    Learn to say "no" when you need to say no. Success is being able to set limits about what you don't want in your lives.
  3. OUCH.
    Allow yourself to feel pain and recognize what is causing your pain. Know that pain is a healthy warning system for you to take some action.
  4. NEXT.
    Fully experience your challenges and accomplishments and have completion with what you start. Know when it is time to move on to your next…
  5. WOW!
    Be fully in the present and really experience life—events and people in your lives, achieving goals and having things, enjoying simple pleasures such as good tastes, touches, sights, sounds, smells, etc. Be fully aware of all your blessings! Know that all of life is an experiment, so enjoy the process!

© 1994 Jean Fowler

Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life: Raise Your Self-Esteem

Just as the personality can be determined by the strokes we make as we write, reversing the process and changing those strokes can also change our personality.

I first read about this "graphotherapy" in the early 1960's. They had just begun to use the process with juvenile delinquents to assist them with changing some of the negative aspects of their personalities. I was intrigued and even though I wasn't a juvenile delinquent, decided I could use some improvement too. I changed a couple of strokes (one to add even more creativity), and I liked what I noticed in the results.

Over the years I remember several times of changing my handwriting when I felt particularly stuck in a rut. Of course then I didn't understand the impact of the changes, and not all of them were necessarily positive, but they did cause a shift!!

One of the biggest problems that exist today is the lack of adequate self-esteem. Most people do not give themselves enough credit, and some folks are downright rude to themselves!! This usually develops over time, and is the result of a variety of circumstances and events. Unfortunately, most people who have low self-esteem have reinforced it to the point where they don't even notice how pervasively they perpetuate the negativity in their lives.

The good news is that this is a relatively easy area to change with Graphotherapy.

When you look at your own writing, notice where on the T stem you actually cross your T's. My favorite analogy is the pole at the county fair – you remember the one where the guys used this huge hammer and tried to make the slider hit the bell at the top?? Well, you know who the winners were – the ones who got to the top!! The same is true of your T-bar – the closer to the top you get, the more of a winner you will be.

The height of the T-bar also determines the height of your goals. If your T-bar is low on the stem, you probably either don't set many goals, or you have lots of reasons for not reaching them – and you are bound to stay in a bad situation far longer than you should. If your T-bar is crossed in the middle of the stem, or slightly above middle, you set good, practical goals, based on what you have achieved before. You set your sights based on where you are comfortable, and don't take a lot of risks. In both these cases you are settling for less than you are capable of achieving, and trading comfort (what you already know) for the big successes that take a bit more risk.

Crossing your T-bar at the top of the stem lengthens your vision and your goals, and gives you a larger scope of possibility. Of course, make sure your T-bars are touching the stem. The person whose T-bar flies above the stem is the same person whose head is in the clouds, and is therefore not grounded. We call that person a dreamer, and we all know that as important as dreams are, they must be followed through with practical application in order to be successful.

Take a look at the handwriting of people you know who feel good about themselves, consistently take risks and achieve what they go after. You will find that most of them have consistently high T-bars. This is a trait you can easily change by practicing your T's for 5 to 10 minutes each day (1 to 3 pages daily for 30 days). And it works great with kids, too!! I have testimonials from kids who improved their grades and their social relationships just from changing this one trait.

(Note: Ignore T's where the bar links to the next letter, as in the words "the" or "with" where the bar of the T links into the H. This linking of the T to the next letter is considered "fluidity of thought" and the height of the T-bar is ignored. Also, make your T-bar higher, not your T-stem taller.)

So, keep your T-bars high, and enjoy your successes!!

© 1999 – Katie Darden 

Find out more about Handwriting Analysis and GraphoTherapy at

Tips to Promote Your Business

  1. Know Thyself and Thy Business:
    What is it you really want to do, or what product(s) do you want to sell?
  2. Develop an Identity:
    Reflect your professional identity in a sign or logo that you can use for business cards, stationary, advertising and presentations.
  3. Advertising:
    Clarify your target audience. Develop a campaign, produce materials, place ads in the best mediums, track placement, send bills and follow up to check effectiveness.
  4. Television and radio advertising
    Media Advertising in Humboldt County is cheap! Placing a TV commercial ranges from as little as $10/spot on cable to more than $200/spot on prime-time networks. Radio spots range from as little as $4 to $18 depending on the length of the spot, the station it runs on and the time of day it runs. Radio can target specific audiences.
  5. Print ads
    These can be referred to more than once, can be clipped and saved.
  6. Non-advertising options
    (a) newsletters which can be placed in billing statements or mailed to prospective customers,
    (b) company brochures,
    (c) portfolio of your past work,
    (d) news media relations activities which can generate human interest articles about your business,
    (e) networking with community groups, like WomenPreneursOnline.

Remember, whatever direction you decide to take, promoting your business is entirely up to you.

©1995 Elizabeth Hans, Hans Communications, 442-3813

Create Your Own Job Through Entrepreneurship

Let me begin by sharing an updated version of the Cinderella story.

When the Wicked Stepmother stood at Cinderella's door, she saw Cinderella working on a stack of papers very intently instead of sweeping the floor. Her curiosity was aroused, and she asked Cinderella what she was working on.

Cinderella quickly replied, "Job options. I'm thinking about starting my own business so I can expand my horizons and create money at the same time."

"But what about Prince Charming," the Wicked Stepmother replied.

"Oh, I'd still love to meet him. I could use a partner in life as well as business!" Cinderella cheerfully responded.

As for the rest of the story, the Wicked Stepmother soon realized Cinderella was no longer a "wimp" and was seizing control of her own future. She decided to stop picking on Cinderella and began spending more time looking at her own life—exploring creative job options for herself.

As for Prince Charming, well eventually he did meet Cinderella and was instantly charmed by her aliveness and sense of purpose as well as her obvious business management skills. Eventually he became one of her financial backers in business and Cinderella became a very successful Woman Entrepreneur—and everyone lived happily ever after.

This new version of Cinderella is perhaps more relevant than ever to present day. We are all challenged by changing economic times where jobs are tight and too many large organizations seem to be downsizing instead of hiring. This is definitely a time to be creative in looking at different ways to earn money—different ways to create a job.

Starting your own business is one creative option that more and more people are seriously looking at, especially women. Many organizations, such as the Women Entrepreneurs Roundtable and WomenPreneursOnline have been formed over the past few years to help women explore the option of starting their own businesses.

Traditionally, women have been geared to work as employees and homemakers. More and more women, however, are becoming aware that they do have additional options—and one option is to start their own businesses.

Many women have become experts in juggling a multitude of roles by balancing work and family life, and many of these skills are transferable to managing a successful business.

Starting a business from scratch can be rewarding experience. It offers freedom and the chance to integrate one's interests and talents with making money. Besides being one of the toughest and potentially most rewarding careers, it is possibly one of the last frontiers for real independence and creativity.

©1994 Gabrielle Parkinson and Taunya Funston